Matlab Project Management ‘MatProjMan’

This is a simple project management package for MATLAB that will enhance your work to new levels. Using MatProjMan you can


Clone this repository to a location of your liking and then run the installation script from within the root directory

>> install()


You will need to have access to the following MATLAB toolboxes


The main concept behind MatProjMan is each project being an object (of type projman.project) that supports performing certain functions on it. A project is defined, at its minimum, through a path that defines the location of the project on your local system. Additionally, you may have projects that depend on other projects. Imagine having a general purpose toolbox like my MATLAB Tooling box that you want loaded whenever you load some other project. Hierarchically speaking, we assume the following project structure

                   /      \
            project a      project b

such that tooling is dependency of both project a and project b, or, project a and project b both use functions from tooling and thus require tooling on MATLAB’s search path. By defining these dependencies on the object level, you can simply open your project project a and it will make sure that project tooling is also going to be loaded.

Adding a New Project

If you want to register a new project with the project manager, you must create a new projman.project object pointing to the right path

p = projman.path('/path/to/project')
% Or you want to set an explicit name
p = projman.path('/path/to/project', 'Some project')

To register the project and be able to use it later on, too, we need to register it with the project manager. This is as simple as concatenating the old projects with the new one and saving the project manager instance.

% Get a clean project manager instance
pjm = pm('reset');
% Append the new project p to the existing projects by concatenation
pjm = [pjm, p]
% And now save the project manager instance

By default, the project manager configuration i.e., all projman.project objects, will be saved to userpath/projects_<computername>.mat. With your computername being appended to the filename you can have different projects on different computers or the same projects with different locations on different computers. Care to know the exact filename? See projman.helper.filename().

Removing an Existing Project

If you feel like no longer needing quick access to a project, you can simply remove it from the project managers Projects property and save the manager anew. This will technically remove any knowledge of the project manager on the project.

% Get an instance of the project manager
pjm = pm('reset');
% Remove the project using very conveneit MATLAB syntax
pjm.Projects(pjm.Projects == find(pm, 'project a')) = [];
% And save the project manager object

Please note that removing a project from the project manager DOES NOT remove the project or any files form your file system.

Changing Project Properties

To change properties of a project, you need to find it inside the list of projects in the project manager. You can use fuzzy search on the project names using the projman.manager.find(name) method like

p = find(pm, 'tooling')

If the project named tooling cannot be found, an exception will be thrown also listing other projects with similar names (in case you had a typo in your search query). Then, p is a projman.project object that you can just change properties of e.g., the path

p.Path = '/new/path/to/project';
% Update the project inside the project manager instance pjm
pjm = horzcat(pjm, p);
% And save everything

If you add an existing project to the list of projects it will not result in duplicate entries but will actually make sure that there only is one project for every path. Per definition, a project is uniquely defined by its path so no two projects can share the same path (however, project b may be in a subdirectory of project a).

Opening a Project

Opening a project means making sure every dependency is pushed to the MATLAB search path and lastly our main project is pushed to the MATLAB search path, too. During opening process, a projpath.m is searched which must return a cell array of paths that should be added to MATLAB search path for the project to work correctly. If the MATLAB search path was successfully updated, the startup.m function of the project is run (if it exists), inside of which you can run any startup routines. Lastly, the current working directory is changed to the project’s root folder.


% Find the projman.project object in the list of all projects
p = find(pm, 'tooling')
% Open the project
% Or alternatively;

The short version would be

open(find(pm, 'tooling'))

Closing a Project

To close a project i.e., reversing the opening process for the current project only, run the close function on the project object. This will run the finish.m function (if it exists) and remove all paths defined in projpath() from the MATLAB search path. However, different to project opening, the dependencies are not automatically removed from the MATLAB search path.


% Find the projman.project object in the list of all projects
p = find(pm, 'tooling')
% Close the project
% Or alternatively

The short version would be

close(find(pm, 'tooling'))

Going to a Project

Sometimes you might want to change directories to a project. You can use just cd on the project object to change the current working directory to the project’s root directory.


% Find the projman.project object in the list of all projects
p = find(pm, 'tooling')
% Go to the project's root dir
% Or alternatively;

The short version would be

cd(find(pm, 'tooling'))

List of Commands

Commands on a projman.project instance

We assume that p and q are objects of type projman.project.

Command Purpose
addpath(p) Add paths of the project and its dependencies to MATLAB search path
open(p) Activate a project, its dependencies
cd(p) Change current working directory to the project’s root
config(p, key) Returns the project’s configuration value for key key
deactivate(p) Deactivate a project and change back to the working directory of before activating the project
digraph(p) Turns the project into a directed graph object containing the project p and all its dependencies
exist(p) Check if project exists i.e., if its root directory is an existing directory
finish(p) Run the project’s finish.m function/script (if it exists)
fullfile(p) Overwrites MATLAB’s fullfile method to return paths relative to p.Path
is_dependency_of(p, q) Check if project p is a dependency of q
is_dependent_on(p, q) Check if project p is dependent on q i.e., q is a dependency of p
path(p) Return the project’s path
pathdef(p) Evaluate the project’s pathdef() function and return the cell array of paths that need to added to MATLAB search path
plot(p) Plot the project and its dependencies in a directed graph object
reset(p) Short hand command for calling p.finish() and p.startup()
rmpath(p) Remove paths of the project from MATLAB search path
startup(p) Evaluate the project’s startup.m function/script (if it exists)
table(p) Convert the project(s) into a MATLAB table with columns ‘Name’, ‘Path’, ‘Dependencies’

Issues, Wishes

Feel free to test the code for bugs, improvements, or things that you would want to see. For any of these, feel free to head over to the GH Issues page and submit your issue or feature request.

Version History

1.0 Initial release of the object-oriented version of MatProjMan.